Biofeedback Therapy

Technology that helps retrain yourself and promotes a more effective mental and physical response to stress.

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Helpful for:

Sleep, Emotional (Anxiety and Depression), Brain

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Introduction to Biofeedback Therapy

Biofeedback therapy is a non-invasive treatment technique that involves using technology to retrain patients to control involuntary physiological and neurological processes that are causing symptoms and leading to dysfunctions in the body such as muscle tension, blood pressure, or irregular heartbeat. The purpose of biofeedback is to promote a more effective mental and physical response to stress. Stress has been shown to impact nearly every system and organ in the body and is a contributor to a vast number of chronic illnesses.

There are several different biofeedback methods including:

  • Electromyography (EMG), which measures muscle tension
  • Thermal biofeedback, which measures skin temperature
  • Neurofeedback or electroencephalography (EEG), which measures brain wave activity

Benefits of Biofeedback Therapy

Clinical experience has shown that biofeedback therapy may be used for a number of conditions and issues and that the benefits include:

  • Enhances and strengthens the mind-body (psychophysiological) connection
  • Helps to identify tight muscles and helps to learn to relax those muscles
  • Shows how the body reacts to stress and anxiety and helps to control these processes
  • Helps women strengthen the muscles that control urinary incontinence
  • Eases stress level and reduces headaches
  • Reduces frequency and severity of tension and migraine headaches
  • Improves control over heart rate variability and arousal of the sympathetic nervous system; a neuro-cardio combination responsible for many of the physical effects of someone’s stress response
  • Improves biorhythmic activity and sleep patterns

Here’s How Biofeedback Works

Biofeedback therapy works by altering one’s awareness/consciousness of how the mind interacts with the body (a field of science known as Psycho-Neuro-Immunology / PNI, or Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine-Immunology / PNEI), adjusting states of arousal and improving the ability to respond effectively to stress and mental activity.

Each cell in our body vibrates at precise frequencies and exchanges information through the communication of these frequencies. Therefore, we have the ability through specialized scientific bioresonance techniques to detect and correct bioenergetic imbalances in the body. Biofeedback is one of the therapies available to help correct a patient’s imbalances and physiological impulses.

The major appeal of biofeedback is that it pre-emptively teaches the patient a set of skills that can be used for life – without side effects. For example, it allows patients to identify early signs of stress so that corrections may be made before biochemical actions are triggered and physical symptoms occur.

During a biofeedback session, electrodes are attached to the skin at multiple locations, and finger sensors may often be utilized. These electrodes/sensors send signals to a monitor, which displays a sound, flash of light, or image that represents heart and breathing rate, blood pressure, skin temperature, sweating, or muscle activity.

When under stress, these physiological functions will fluctuate. Any number or combination of chain reactions may occur, including increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, perspiration, quickened breathing, etc. These fluctuating functions are presented to the patient on the monitor, and then a practitioner guides or coaches a patient to correct the fluctuations. Over time, a practitioner may select a number of relaxation exercises that will help to fine-tune bodily functions and reactions, and can be used to alleviate symptoms and health complaints of the patient. The aim is to calm the body’s autonomic nervous system, which raises blood pressure and heart rate during periods of stress.

Most biofeedback therapy sessions take about 30 to 60 minutes. The treatment usually lasts two to three months in order to provide the most benefits.

Several different relaxation exercises are used in biofeedback therapy, including:

  1. Breathing exercises
  2. Progressive muscle relaxation – alternately tightening and then relaxing different muscle groups
  3. Guided imagery – concentrating on a specific image (such as the color and texture of an orange) to focus your mind and make you feel more relaxed
  4. Mindfulness meditation – focusing your thoughts and letting go of negative emotions
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Behind the Science

Science & Safety

Some evidence suggests that heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback might be an effective way to treat anxiety and stress symptoms. To examine the effect of HRV biofeedback on symptoms of anxiety and stress, we conducted a meta-analysis of studies extracted from PubMed, PsycINFO and the Cochrane Library. Conclusion: HRV biofeedback training is associated with a large reduction in self-reported stress and anxiety. Although more well-controlled studies are needed, this intervention offers a promising approach for treating stress and anxiety with wearable devices.

The analysis of studies indicates that EEG Biofeedback/Neurofeedback is used for treatment of neurological, somatic and mental disorders. Its psychiatric applications for clinically diagnosed disorders include treatmentof depression, anorexia, dyslexia, dysgraphia, ADD, ADHD, schizophrenia, abuse of substances, neuroses, PTSD, and Alzheimer’s disease. Research results imply that the neuromodulating effect of the therapy positively influences cognitive processes, mood, and anxiety levels. Positive effects of EEG Biofeedback confirm usefulness of this method as a main or auxiliary method in treatment of people with mental disorders. On the basis of conducted studies, it is worthwhile to consider inclusion of this method into the comprehensive neurorehabilitation activities.

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Where does biofeedback therapy fall on the medical spectrum?

Biofeedback therapy falls under ‘Psychology’ section of the medical spectrum.

Alternative Medicine

Also known as holistic medicine, it is the study and application of nature, botany, energy, and technology to bring the body back to balance and address the root causes of disease without detrimental side effects, toxins and chemicals, or a lifetime of intervention.

Biological Medicine

Also known as European Biological Medicine, this modality, popular in Germany and Switzerland, applies numerous therapies that aim to restore the body’s regulatory and self-healing capacity by promoting proper regeneration on a cellular and organ level.

Conventional Medicine

Conventional medicine is the most recognized and practiced section of the medical spectrum that includes pharmacological drugs, surgical procedures, lab testing, and more in an attempt to reduce symptoms and manage disease. 

Conventional Therapies

The Innovative Medicine approach considers all conventional options and appropriately prescribes or refers patients to specialists in which this approach would be most suited.

Emotional Therapies

Mental health and the study of mind-body medicine is an integral part of the medical spectrum that can often go overlooked and unaddressed.

Psycho-Emotional Intervention

The study of psycho-neuro-immunology (PNI) has shown how our thoughts and psychological state impact our biochemistry and can lead to disease. Any comprehensive treatment plan must address psychological stress to be successful.

Spiritual Practices & Therapies

We often confuse spiritual practices with religion, but the role of spirituality, consciousness, awareness, purpose, and information on a quantum level is incredibly important in healing.

Receiving Therapy

Recieving Biofeedback Therapy 

We are pleased to offer biofeedback therapy at our clinic, the New York Center for Innovative Medicine (NYCIM). However, the use of this or any of our numerous therapeutic options is only performed on patients after an in-depth health evaluation. Our ultimate goal is the complete restoration of health in the most efficient and safe manner, and with so many therapeutic options, it is impossible to know if biofeedback therapy is right for you without an initial evaluation at our clinic.

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Innovative Medicine applies a borad range of tools and services in a scentific manner that aims to improve the global health and well-being of others in a completely personalized manner.

Innovative Medicine applies a borad range of tools and services in a scentific manner that aims to improve the global health and well-being of others in a completely personalized manner.

Innovative Medicine applies a borad range of tools and services in a scentific manner that aims to improve the global health and well-being of others in a completely personalized manner.

Innovative Medicine applies a borad range of tools and services in a scentific manner that aims to improve the global health and well-being of others in a completely personalized manner.

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Biofeedback Therapy

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